TRACCAL TRAPC to fix memory safety C/C ++

TRAPC is an extension of the C programming language that removes keywords goto and unionadds keywords trap and aliasAnd it receives C ++ functions that improve safety such as constructors and destructors, Rowe said. It also provides several new features not in C or C ++. Although TRAPC is in a minimalist programming language with the same number of keywords as C, it has a surprise in love for C ++ compatibility, he said.

Rowe introduced the TRAPC at the ISO C meeting this week. Developers can download Whitepaper TRAPC and offer Rowe feedback. According to Whitepper, TRAPC managing is automatic and cannot escape memory. The indicators are managed in a lifelong managed, not garbage collection. TRAPC also reuse several C ++ code, especially member functions, designers, destructors and new The keyword.

TRAPC is not the only attempt to solve memory security in C or C ++. The C ++ partnership world in its SAFE C ++ project to axle C ++ memory. Rowe said that other proposals did not offer comprehensive memory safety offered by TRAPC.

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