Honestly 2018, every six months we had a new edition of Java platform. With the Swiss watchmaking regularity, the latest version of Java, JDK 24 is on us. In the almost poetic way, JDK 24 contains 24 JDK Enhancement Přibals (is), a large number of new features sell the introduction of the release time plan.
I will not go through each of them because 10 are preview features, incubator modules or experience. Let’s take a look at those that will be interesting to the developers and those who deploy Java.
Pre -connection
Part of the wider project Leyden includes JEP 483, loading and connecting the classroom some time ago. The aim of the Leyden project is to shorten the start time associated with Java applications. One of the biggest advantages of JAVA is the use of JVM, a virtual computer that allows the application to run on any platform without rewrite. This Write once, go anywhere The approach also publishes excellent scalabibility and performance using JIT-TIME (JIT) compilation. Unfortunately, this does not come with the cost, manifested as a slower performance as an application Warms up.